John Donne Society Annual Conference

3 01 2011

I have recently been invited to chair a session dedicated to the Satires at the John Donne Society Annual Conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It is one of the most important international conferences dedicated to the life  and works of John Donne and to be able to participate at the Conference is a great opportunity for me to meet and share ideas about my research with other academics from around the world.

I am very exited about the Conference and about travelling to the United States. It will be my first visit across the pond, and, as I have heard, Baton Rouge is quite pleasant in February, so I am looking forward to the break from cold and snow in the UK. I will be posting updates about my trip and the Conference during this month and hope to prepare an interesting resume of the events when I come back to Bristol.

The Conference takes place at The Lod & Carole Cook Conference Center, Louisiana State University on 17-19 February 2011.



Due to unforeseen circumstances I will not be taking part at the Conference. It is sad news for me and I hope that I will be able to join the Donne lovers next year.